When a person sustains a personal injury, they can go to a civil court and request a legal remedy for any injuries or lost property that came because of the accident. Tort litigation has two purposes. The first is to attempt to make the individual who was injured or...
Adriel Adams
Bankruptcy Can Protect You from Foreclosure
Where bankruptcy is concerned it helps to understand exactly what foreclosure is. A foreclosure begins when a homeowner is not able to make their monthly mortgage payments and they fall behind. The lender then starts a legal process to sell the home at an option so...
You’ve Been in a Car Accident – Now What?
Being in a car accident can be a frightening experience. This is especially true if you have sustained a few injuries as a result of the collision. As challenging as it may be not to panic, you should try to stay as calm as possible. Here are the steps you should take...
Understanding How a Divorce Law Lawyer in Lee’s Summit, MO Will Work for Your Best Interests
A divorce law lawyer in Lee's Summit, MO will work for what's best for their client. For one client, that might mean trying to get the most spousal support possible. For another client, the same lawyer might work to avoid spousal support. People should know how their...
Getting Help with a Social Security Disability Application in Hemet, CA
Many people get hurt badly enough that they can't return to do the work they used to do and want to file for Social Security disability insurance. When that happens, they want to minimize the risk of getting denied their Social Security disability benefits, and the...